RC Integrated Systems LLC (RISL) provides innovative and unique solutions to address critical and challenging problems encountered by DoD, NASA, DOE, Homeland Security, and commercial customers. Our main products and technologies include unique sensors, sensing systems, and turn-key instruments for automatic control, in-situ physical/environmental multi-parameter monitoring, distributed/networked sensing, remote sensing, nondestructive testing, chemical/biological sensing, and structural health monitoring etc. Through rigorous research and development, RISL has recently developed a new sensing technology capable of withstanding temperatures > 1200C. This break-through technology enables us to develop a series of sensors for the measurement of temperature, strain, pressure, and vibration in harsh environment. Our team members are all U.S. citizens and have a broad spectrum of expertise as well as decades of combined experiences in lasers, optics, modeling and simulations, electronics, mechanical packaging, and technology and product transition. In the past five years, RISL has successfully completed twelve research and development (R&D) projects awarded by NASA, Army, Air Force, Navy, and MDA, resulting in multiple fiber optic sensing and range/proximity sensing products which potentially have very broad applications in both the government and commercial sectors.